(Warning...picture overload on this post!)
Oh my have we been enjoying summer! I am not even sure where to start with this post....so I'll just go back to the beginning of the week(and by the way, where did this week go?!)
Cameron started swimming lessons with his 2 buddies Trey and Jackson.
Jackson, Trey and Cameron listening to directions. All 3 have done GREAT and have gotten much more comfortable in the water in 4 short days. They have jumped of the diving board and swam all the way to the shallow with no life jacket! The first day the teachers had them laying on their backs, heads in the water and "monkey, airplane, soldier". 4 more days to go this week! I am glad the hot hot weather will be behind us for this coming week. It might be a little more bearable for the 3 mommas and the 3 little ones left behind!
We also had a great opportunity to go and tour the Holland Police Department with a K-9 officer Torrey knows. I was more excited than Cameron I think!
It took Cameron a little while to warm up to the idea of pictures, but of course this little one was ready! (Sidenote, Officer Scott had just got done explaining that no one steps on the badge on the floor out of respect and honor.....notice whose feet are touching it just to see how far the line can be crossed. Yep, that's him.)
We got a deluxe tour and I don't think I have heard Cameron ask so many questions.
In the swat van(which is really like an armored tank!) So cool!
We also got to meet the K-9 cop. Both boys jumped back when he came out of the cruiser. He was big but so sweet!
Cameron was so excited to see a cruiser and look inside but not quite willing to actually sit in there for a photo op. But, you guessed it, another little person was! Mommy actually got in on this one!
There are SO many buttons and switches....definitely some quick hands from Haiden who was all too interested in pushing!
We were able to see the holding cells, fingerprinting area, the polygraph room..
(Cameron was sill warming up to the photo ops yet) This chair really does look like the ones you see in movies and in such a teeny room!
Of course we took a tour of the shooting range. Very cool.
It's amazing what the officers are able to do and train here and how much time they devote to keeping their skills sharp! Cameron left with some cool stickers, books and yes a casing from a bullet and answers to some questions he asks us ALL the time when he sees a police officer!
And if that was not enough to pack our week, we also had a fun play date at a friend's pool(forgot the camera!), Cameron went to a neighborhood Kid's Club 4 afternoons(like VBS in a way), and we decided to pick blueberries in the humid air not once, but twice! I think the humidity was getting at my common sense but fresh picked blueberries are SO good and it was something we have not done before! The first time I went alone and picked just over 4 pounds. No chances for photos that day! But then I talked Torrey into going and then the photo ops were good!
Is this a good one Mommy? Notice none in the bucket!
Should I eat these or not?
What do you mean I am not supposed to dump them out and step on them?
This time, after a dirty diaper, a trip to the port-o-potty and a few cries the boys were dropped off at Grandpa and Grandma's and we were able to pick over 20 pounds!! YUM! I already made one batch of fresh blueberry muffins!
And last, I want to end with a pic that I have been seeing so much of this summer now that we can be out and about more in the pool and water.
This sweet boy with his goggles and life jacket. We had a birthday party at the beach this week, too! Anybody else ready for a nap!!
Cameron started swimming lessons with his 2 buddies Trey and Jackson.
We also had a great opportunity to go and tour the Holland Police Department with a K-9 officer Torrey knows. I was more excited than Cameron I think!
We got a deluxe tour and I don't think I have heard Cameron ask so many questions.
In the swat van(which is really like an armored tank!) So cool!
We were able to see the holding cells, fingerprinting area, the polygraph room..
Of course we took a tour of the shooting range. Very cool.
And if that was not enough to pack our week, we also had a fun play date at a friend's pool(forgot the camera!), Cameron went to a neighborhood Kid's Club 4 afternoons(like VBS in a way), and we decided to pick blueberries in the humid air not once, but twice! I think the humidity was getting at my common sense but fresh picked blueberries are SO good and it was something we have not done before! The first time I went alone and picked just over 4 pounds. No chances for photos that day! But then I talked Torrey into going and then the photo ops were good!
This time, after a dirty diaper, a trip to the port-o-potty and a few cries the boys were dropped off at Grandpa and Grandma's and we were able to pick over 20 pounds!! YUM! I already made one batch of fresh blueberry muffins!
And last, I want to end with a pic that I have been seeing so much of this summer now that we can be out and about more in the pool and water.
Love all of these pictures! And I love that our boys have had so much time to play together this summer! Yay for one more week of swimming lessons!