Last week my best friend Courtney came for a two week visit and we were able to spend some time together which is rare for her trips here. I was so excited to see her and her kids and just do friend stuff together that we always talk about missing! She is a friend that no matter how long it has been since you have seen them last, you pick right up where you left off and feel as though no time has past. We have been friends since the 7th grade!!
Anyway, I only remembered to get pictures of the kids but hope to get one of us before she leaves this weekend. ;(
We have this pink Barbie jeep that was given to us, and it is a favorite around this house for the boys and for any who come to visit. My boys have no idea nor do they care about driving around the neighborhood in a pink jeep! And of course it was taken for a spin one night when they popped in!
This is Brody. He and Cameron get a long very well...both ALL boy!
And this is Addison. Don't they look cute together! She kept wanting to be by me and Haiden kept saying "my mommy!"
We also went to Meijer together, just popped in on one another to chat and went to Millennium park which I forgot my camera on that one! And with chasing two toddlers and boys around I don't think I would have been able to anyway. SO much fun, though!
We have this pink Barbie jeep that was given to us, and it is a favorite around this house for the boys and for any who come to visit. My boys have no idea nor do they care about driving around the neighborhood in a pink jeep! And of course it was taken for a spin one night when they popped in!
We also went to Meijer together, just popped in on one another to chat and went to Millennium park which I forgot my camera on that one! And with chasing two toddlers and boys around I don't think I would have been able to anyway. SO much fun, though!
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