Sunday, March 28, 2010

over the river and through the woods

We took advantage of the nice weather on a beautiful Sunday and headed to the trails at the Hudsonville Nature Center. Cameron(and his daddy) of course had to take the paths less traveled and go up and down some ravines, over some rivers(okay, little puddles but to Cameron it was cool!) and traverse some tricky logs. As all boys do we had to take a bathroom break. Yes, I OF COURSE took a picture but will save that one for his future wife. It's priceless to say the least. Haiden loves to tag along wherever his brother is and if it's outside it's even better. I can say with certainty that we will be outdoors A LOT this summer.
I can make my own trail through here!
My brother is pretty silly.
To the top of the mountain peek! ha!
Across rugged terrain!
And over raging rivers! (There really was water there!)

The journey is what you make of it ;)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

a new trick and spring fever

Can this weather stay please! It has been SO nice getting outside with the boys. Haiden already LOVES it outside and we have been for quite a few walks. Cameron has had his bike, scooter and jeep out already and is chomping at the bit to get out his other summer fun toys. It is so weird to see Cameron on his bike that fit him so well last summer and now it's too small! But he likes it that way because he can peddle faster ;)

Haiden has a new trick.......
He will stand up in the middle of the room and just stand there! He hasn't figured out what to do next and for that I am thankful...I can keep him more contained!

Here we are with a glimpse of what the summer will be(and yes Haiden is buckled in!)
Watch out Mom!!

Any one else notice the pink jeep and camo attire?! Ha!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mini Vacay

This past Sunday and Monday we unloaded Haiden at G&G Vruggink's and the three of us went on our(or Cameron's) first least be better remember...little vacation to Great Wolf Lodge. We had a really good time. It actually was really fun going down the water slides, I was surprised at how fast some of them were! It took Cameron a little bit to get used to it all, but soon we were getting out of the water and up the stairs over and over again to go down the big slides. He also took a liking to the little tykes area as he could touch and swim at the same time. By Monday lunch Tor and I were ready to throw in the towel(ha!) and be dry, warm and not so prune like. I am not sure how he did it, but Cameron held in some sickness while we were gone and Monday night he got sick and is still trying to fight something off. Is Spring here, yet?
We could not get him to look at the camera! The lazy river was one of the first stops.
Torrey or I had to stay pretty close at the beginning.
The once he figured all would be okay and he could touch, life was good!
Catch me!
Hey Aunt Michelle, can you ask Uncle Trent if he can help Daddy find a bear like this one?!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


The last few days have been fantastic being at home! We really have not done a whole lot which in and of itself is fantastic! We have played, run errands, gone outside for bike rides and walks, ridden 3 wheeler and snowmobile(on what little snow was left), had a sleepover at G&G Roby's and had Cameron's first swimming lesson. Well, I guess that sounds like a lot! Here are the boys enjoying some playtime ;)
Haiden has discovered the cupboards and all the fun things he can take out..over, and over and over again!
Ever since Haiden found out he could take his socks off he won't leave them on! He constantly has one of them in his mouth. I walked into the sunroom and found him climbing in and out of one of the toy tubs with sock in tow.
Then Cameron found out it was fun to push his brother. Haiden liked it, too! Even the few times he was "accidentally" tipped out.
I have really no comment about this picture!! The mind of a 4 year old!
Cameron got Whack-a-Mole for his birthday. He and I were playing when Haiden scurried in to see what the noise was all about. I let him have a mallet, and when I stopped to take the picture it crossed my mind "Was this a good idea? Little person who has no concept of what to do with a mallet and a 4 year old who whacks away at just about anything that moves?" But, all was well. Cameron did graze Haiden a bit and he just put his hand up to his head and gave Cameron such a scowl. It won't be long and he will just as soon whack him right back ;)