Saturday, February 20, 2010

We tried

Well we tried to get the boys' annual pictures at Sears today and well......

Haiden would not crack a smile no matter how crazy I acted! Barely a grin in ALL the pictures.
This was a close to a smile as we got with him. I remember Cameron's 1 year pics did not go that well either. So it goes.
Cameron on the other hand was a pro and was done in about 10 minutes because we had gotten some good shots right away. He even joined in to help get his brother to smile, but still nothing.
This look on his face cracks me up, like he is already too big for his mom to say silly things to make him smile nice for the camera!

I think this one is my favorite, even though it makes him look way too big and grown up. But then again, I guess he is.


  1. Ha ha!!! Love it! They are both so handsome no matter what! :)

  2. Just saw the pics. How precious are those two. The one of Haiden is one to remember for a lifetime. Remember your "smile picture?" Can't wait to get my copies for the office and "fridge" Now, about those haircuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
