Monday, November 30, 2009

Tis the season......

We have been quite busy around here lately and when I put up my calendar for December I started to get a little panicky about what needs to get done, what I would like to get done and the reality of not getting much on both of those lists accomplished!

Haiden is growing by leaps and bounds. No crawling yet but he is at least lowering himself down and attempting to be on all fours. One leg gets kind of stuck yet. I could sit and say "bye bye" to him for hours just to see his cute little patty wave in the most adorable way!

Cameron is in love with Christmas decorations, trees and lights and the realization that snow is getting closer and closer. And that of course means riding his snowmobile will take on more excitement than simply sitting on it in the garage! Oh dear....

So, tis the season to.....
play in the first snow of the year(even if the sun was not up all the way)

try to get a decent family photo.....we'll keep trying
decorate the tree(even if the ornaments are in clumps, it's the prettiest tree around, and no, I did not make him wear the Santa hat, he was all about getting in the spirit if things!)

try to learn how to crawl(mommy was thinking ahead and didn't get crazy with decorations....great excuse to not get out all those totes!!)

and stack the garage full of wood for cozy winter fires!

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