Saturday, July 11, 2009

Playtime and Worktime

Cameron has been busy this past week playing with friends and family but our week would not be complete without work time to help build the deck. He takes his play toys out to help, but then gets upset when they don't work like daddy's. He wants the "real ones to cut wood and drill". Luckily he has been pacified with a hammer and nails. A few extra holes in the deck won't matter, will they?!
Picnic on the porch with Will and Ellie. Always one child not looking!
Playtime with little brother. I should cherish this picture of them playing nicely and not screaming at each other!
Playdate with Ben...2 boys actually sitting for a picture!
Worktime......notice his little work belt like daddy's. We had to get out another hammer, drill and more nails for him to be one of the big guys. None of this pretend stuff for him!


  1. What a little man! Summer is going by too quickly... play date soon?

  2. Brooke, I can't believe how big your boys are already. Cameron looks so old. It looks like you are enjoying your summer!!
