Sunday, May 22, 2011

Just in Time

Just in time for Preschool graduation on Wednesday, Cameron has this precious face to walk across the stage with....


Friday at daycare he was pushing a car around on the driveway and the car decided to go faster than he was and ended up face first on the cement. Sandy said he was quite tough about it and only cried a whimper. It actually looks a bit worse now as the scabs are starting to form. Then he was out in the woods on Saturday and got 3 HUGE mosquito bites on his legs that left big, red welts. We told him those things must have been hungry!
Quite the sight this one, but he still is cute(and looking SO big!)!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Something Wrong?

So is there anything wrong with letting your child run around outside like this?
It was in the back yard at least!

And he's happy! Who needs to take the time to get pants on when playtime is waiting in the great outdoors?! Oh how I love this no pants, runny nose, dirty diaper(that somehow got on his hand which then got on me!) brown eyed little boy!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Cuddles and kisses......the best part of Mother's Day....
(maybe I should tell them it's Mother's Day everyday to get them to take pics like this!)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Play Ball!

We decided to try something new with Cameron this Spring and signed him up for T-ball. He had some practices and was pretty geeked about the whole thing.

Then came game time! Can't you just feel his excitement?!
(And for those of you who know the story...notice who the team sponsor is?! HA!)

If you have not been to a 5 year old t-ball game, it is a complete riot. The kids are SO tootin' cute and the smiles on their faces as they cross home plate is priceless. You cheer for everybody, nobody is keeping score, everyone gets a turn and every player is made to feel good about themselves(not to mention a snack at the end of every game!)

The kids are actually pitched to until 3 strikes and then the tee is brought out. Here is Cameron at one of his very first times up at bat.

Good form, but strike 3!

Here he is making the game winning throw! Just kidding, he barely got it to 1st base but at least he knew what base to throw it to! (Notice his team mate in the outfield not aware of the game!) Being in the outfield is just too far away from the action with these kiddos!

This is Cameron in the outfield.
Can't see the ball and his glove is not even in his hand. BUT, he is looking in the right direction. After I called out and told him too ;)